- Spiritual Curriculum
- Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation by Martin Abegg, Jr., Edward
Cook, Michael Wise
- Jesus and the Essenes by Delores Cannon
- Malcolm and the Cross by Louis DeCaro
- Jesus' Words Only - Or Was Paul the Apostle Jesus Condemns in
Rev. 2:2? by Douglas J. Del Tondo
- Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ by Levi Dowling
- The Essenes by Christian Ginzburg
- Letter from a Birmingham Jail by MLK
- The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Nicholas Notovitch
- Essene Code of Life by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- Essene Communions with the Infinite by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- Essene Way Biogenic Life by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- Essene Book of Creation by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- Essene Jesus by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- Essene Science of Life by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
- Sevenfold Peace by Edmond Bordeux Szekely
- Apocrypha
- Book of Enoch
- Book of Jasher
- Book of Jubilees
- Gospel of the Hebrews
- Gospel of the Holy Twelve
- Oahspe Bible
- Septuagint
- Tao Te Ching
- Buddhist Texts
- Quran
- Sufi Islam Texts
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General Curriculum
- The Healers by Ayi Kwei Armah
- America 2014: An Orwellian Tale by Dawn Blair
- Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
- Martin & Malcolm & America by James Cone
- Constitution
- Declaration of Independence
- We the Other People by Foner
- Gandhi Reader
- Gandhi's Health Guide
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
- Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- Malcolm X Speaks
- 1984 by George Orwell
- Repubic by Plato
- Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain
- Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington
- Huey Long by Harry Williams
- Miseducation of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson
- People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
- American Coup D'Etat (Assassination Attempt of FDR)
- Somebody Blew Up America by Amiri Baraka
- Amistad
- Avatar
- Bastards of the Party (chronicles the rise of gangs from the ashes of the Black Panther
- Bible and UFOs
- Boys of Baraka
- Capitalism: A Love Story
- Crumbling of America
- Deacons of Defense
- Eyes on the Prize
- Fahrenheit 911
- Marcus Garvey PBS Special
- Fog of War
- Goodbye Uncle Tom
- Good Shepherd
- Vernon Johns
- Endgame - Alex Jones
- Martial Law/9-11 - Alex Jones
- Obama Deception - Alex Jones
- Terrorstorm - Alex Jones
- Keep the Faith Baby
- Malcolm X on Jesus Christ
- Marcus Kline (2)
- Long Kiss Goodnight
- Matrix
- Panther
- Roots
- They Live
- V for Vendetta